The unofficial end of summer has now passed us by. Hopefully everyone enjoyed a long and relaxing Labor Day weekend and is starting September refreshed and ready to take on the end of the year with energy and enthusiasm! The team at Retracting Solutions certainly is. September is a busy month for us and one of the best parts about it is having the opportunity to meet potential customers and show off the innovative and useful products from Phantom Screens and Insolroll.
For those of you in and around the Triangle in North Carolina, there are two exciting home shows in Raleigh this month filled with exhibitors to help you rejuvenate your home, discover cool new products, and inspire you to make your home even more livable. The Retracting Solutions team will be an exhibitor at both shows. Start your home improvement journey this weekend, September 9-13, at the Downtown Raleigh Home Show at the Raleigh Convention Center. You can find our smiling faces and product displays in booth 813. If you want to save a few dollars on your ticket, use this link and enter the promo code: SAVINGS.
Mark your calendars for our second fall appearance at the Southern Ideal Home Show at the N.C. State Fairgrounds September 23-25, 2016. You can find all the information you need for either show, including ticket sales, by clicking on the show links above. Each show also has a Facebook page with detailed information (Facebook – Downtown Raleigh Home Show and Facebook – Southern Ideal Home Show). Please stop by our booth at one or both shows and say “hello.” We look forward to seeing you and showing you in person how retractable screens and sun shades can transform your indoor to outdoor living space and lower your energy costs.